Sunday, October 10, 2010

Progress on MGRP

I was originally hoping to research dyslexia and literacy (Tentative Title: Deconstructing Dyslexia: Aiding dyslexic students in literacy).  I have found a number of articles, however, some do not seem to be as much about dyslexia in particular, and more about learning disabilities in reading in general.  I'm currently working on finishing up and finding the "meat" of all my articles and constructing an outline for where exactly I want to go with this paper.  I must admit that I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but hopefully once my outline is complete, I'll feel like I have a little more direction!  This topic is vast, but I'm hoping it will prove beneficial for my future career as a teacher :)

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I think that learning about this topic will definitely be of good use to not only you but all of us. Just consider Kristen's story from Wednesday about the student that she observed for the day...

    I believe that having the ability to differentiate development from dyslexia is an important skill to acquire.

    Good Luck!
